Preservation and change amidst the lone and level sands.

Fire Island (working title) | 3-Channel Video
23:06 mins 

Fire Island, off the coast of New York, is a barrier Island. Formed by sand, waves and wind, it is a landscape in motion. Amidst the shifting sands, a park ranger leads tours to find her childhood home which was destroyed by the National Park when they reclaimed the land as wilderness; a scientist tracks deer making their home in the only federally designated wilderness in NY; a maintenance worker reads the 1964 Wilderness act on a lunch break; a man carves a campground out of the encroaching vines; a couple recreates their home amidst dreams of loss and change.

This film is dedicated to those who have lost their homes, both human and non-human, as a result of recent hurricanes, climate change, or the wandering dunes of time.

Fire Island is part of the multi-format documentary project, Topography. Supported by Headlands Center for the Arts Residency and Project Space, McEvoy Family Award for Film/Video, Fire Island National Seashore Arts Residency.

Hannah Jayanti | director, producer, editor, cinematographer, sound
Alexander Porter | virtual cinematographer